
Saturday, October 26, 2002

Oh Shit!

:: Friday, June 07, 2002 ::
Ben B has yet to land!!!.....last seen flying high.....amazing what these little green pills can do....only side effect to date is an immense fear of bulky manilla envelopes.......
:: Peter . 1:35 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 06, 2002 ::
Well...it appears the "Org" has blocked MSN Messenger............so I have tried TRILLIAN....neat looking package allows me to connect to multiple messengers - IRC ICQ MSN etc.........................I think?.....Why are small churches picked on?...What is it about a minority that makes "Org"s want to put the boot in??.......................petty....petty...minds...........well..........off for some Ozone and Suntan in the friendliest room here!!.....I have found if you set the photocopier page to A3 ...But place an A4 page....you get a amazing burst of green light = resulting in a reasonable suntan impression ......only drawback is the permanent squint/red eye you develop........a small price to pay really for a health glow over 37% of your face.................................off to BLAM I go............
:: Peter . 11:10 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 ::
Spending too much time in the 'ozone' room...........Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals...except the weasel.- Homer Simpson
:: Peter . 1:54 PM [+] ::
I have recieved requests on how to join the church, We have three simple tests .....
- Reach into your pocket or purse -- how many keys are on your
keychain right now?
- What is the typical balance in your bank account?
- How many people in your life would you share your toothbrush
- Your attitude to milk?
From these questions we get a total picture ....of how you would fit into our small congregation........$2.00 Churches are selective....
:: Peter . 10:45 AM [+] ::
.....Oh No!!............empty.....it's gone.....cardigan man has gone to canteen.............and has brought back skinny milk!!.......it's not fair in this world!!.............................3rd in queue......2nd in Queue......my turn.....F@#$..it hardly dissolves in coffee!!!.....tastes shit....
:: Peter . 10:39 AM [+] ::
Only 8 sleeps to go...........I have requested books+ notes......now I find the "org" has totally blocked my MSN Messenger service....cut off in my prime.....Matt rants about Microsoft..and I agree fully....but what about those "Orgs" who impose both Microsoft and "Filters" on us Church of Instant Values members!!!......I think I have finally joined a minority......Praise the lord/Lady !!.....my blog is my only feeble access to outside world!!....shit what a life!!....and to be utterly useless at same time!!..............not looking good!!.....and it's only Wednesday.....Coffee break......Oh shit!!.....there is only 1/2 inch of milk left and I am 5th in queue.....Oh No!....Oh No!!
:: Peter . 10:31 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 ::
Only 9 big sleeps left .....4 if you Ben B....till the Church of Instant Values" comes to Wallan Wallan and exorcises the demon SAC's.........demons out!!......begone Satan!!..........Get Down!!....(but not you Ben B).......praise the Rap!!.......I hear that Wallan Wallan has a small outpost of $2.00 Religions?........not to be confused with Crazy Clints Bargains!!.......breakaway church......
:: Peter . 3:16 PM [+] ::
I have been called "utterly useless".............I rest my case......
:: Peter . 2:42 PM [+] ::
I am utterly useless to the new age.............................................................................I cede the ground..............scattered.............I will always have Sa Go.....or one of his many friends ............to state my words...........
:: Peter . 2:41 PM [+] ::
Picture of my artistic left pupil.....read it now.....usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uLj5OXm5+jp6vLz9PX29/j5+v/AABEIAPABQAMBEQACEQEDEQH/
:: Peter . 2:37 PM [+] ::
The Church of Instant Values" is holding a History Salvation day at Ben'B's on 12/06/02........a rarely seen festival of study - MP3'ing - thinking - CR burning -.....listen......if you have any clues re French Revolution History....or just more than Ben B.....please send details to above.....all thoughts over 500 words are tax deductible as a religious institution............CIV........don't let em crush Ben B.....praise the Rap......pass the keyboard........
:: Peter . 2:36 PM [+] ::
I have taken a picture of my left eye...you may read this picture....../9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAEAlgCWAAD//gAfTEVBRCBUZWNobm9sb2dpZXMgSW5jLiBWMS4wMQD/2wCE
it is my better eye........
:: Peter . 11:12 AM [+] ::
The amazing site and sound of the $2.0...... "Church of Instant Values" filled with the glorious sounds of strong Rap!!!....I am saved!! by a giant gun carrying rapster in leather.....and a huge pair of pants..surrounded by young throbbing moving jumping swaying leaping subtle nubile barely clothed girls........"Get down....said the Lord-Lady..."Get down"....."!!!.....I is saved!!!.........
:: Peter . 10:50 AM [+] ::
I have had a request..."Fluxus4 , Do you have any insight into this?..re Beatles Music.....As a member of the Church of Instant Values....we look at early 20th Cent 'Pop" music as ear candy....we long for the "arse up - face in the pillow" type of Rap music..."closer to the gutter art thou" stuff...Members also reflect during Chapel Rap sessions on the "Boy Band" line of music!!...Are the Beatles part of this genre?...Who gives a F@#$!!!....The Church had planned a Chapel session at BLAM June 15th at Bendigo...but alas!!.....We were struck down!!...our prayers were not answered...back to the Church - back to Rap.....Closer to the gutter art thou!!!....Mother!!!.....
:: Peter . 10:48 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 03, 2002 ::
The Church of Instant Values has me in its power.....the colours....small donations never more than $2.00 = instant pleasure....forget Star Wars...forget dried up Literature....this is real..a perfumed gutter of consumerism...fully imported.....and the aroma of the soap section is incredible!!....I am overcome!!!............You can see the aroma..pinks...sparkles...I see a gift for Ben B!!!.........
:: Peter . 2:08 PM [+] ::
Excellent - lunchtime visit to the $2.00 Temple.....I am sure Andy Warhol must design these shops - the picture of Christ with a glass frame and LED heart flashing on and off was very moving!!!......I must attend the Church of Instant Values more often!!!..........
:: Peter . 2:00 PM [+] ::
I can see you!!.... Nah not Snot Cam.......I can see!!
:: Peter . 11:13 AM [+] ::
I know you are all digital?....However........I have fallen for http://www.kartoo.com
I now have a visual look at Net.....I am happy....the end of the stupid Text based crap.....I can see!!!!
:: Peter . 11:09 AM [+] ::
I know you are digital!!
:: Peter . 10:58 AM [+] ::
Saw 'attack of clones" ....fell asleep in cinema....back of person's head in front of me more interesting....I cannot take any more of this crap........I know it is digital...I know it is digital....I found looking at the gutter more rewarding - more textural...more chaotic....most intersting to lie in darkened cinema and think of "how much would I pay for this"......similar to Noah's restaurant....you buy your food = no prices - then you make an offer to the dude in the kitchen on what you wil pay!!....nervous tension is great!!....all through meal you are thinking what the F@#$ will I offer??......Star Wars had nothing...eye candy....pimple free actors...you knew were talking to blank blue screens with background added later.....I know it is digital.....Went home and clensed my mind!!....Watched "Nurse Betty" with a bottle of Red in a room with light on!!
:: Peter . 10:57 AM [+] ::

Friday, June 14, 2002 ::
Why did he!
My sentance is
now never to
write on a
line, No
not fair
:: Peter . 1:42 PM [+] ::
Now I have to worry about digging,preparing for BLAN
the look of my content, not the words
just the look, dig - dig - dig you
all have a window to the
World, I got nothing
just a very big
:: Peter . 1:39 PM [+] ::
Now I have to worry about digging,preparing for BLAN
the look of my content, not the words
just the look, dig - dig - dig you
all have a window to the
World, I got nothing
just a very big
:: Peter . 1:38 PM [+] ::
I mean, i have to dig....and at the same time answer thes digital
attacks on the way I am word processing
Well really, I have a F#$%ing digital
shovel in one hand, keyboard
monitor, scanner, webcam
and still digging
down down
I have no horizon line left
:: Peter . 1:30 PM [+] ::
I have read a blog which is critical of my typing long sentances out of sight of the monitors edge.....
Well really, I am restricted enough in the F#@%ing line based format as it is without some
non-melburnian, certificated, manilla hating, goateed, friend
typing such rage at me, well I never!
notice how the text is getting
slowly, ever so slowly
into a narrow point
on the lefthand
side of the
just a
Happy now!!
:: Peter . 1:28 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 ::
I shall wait until the "Org" Guards fall asleep..........I have brought in a extra coat...will hang over back of my chair with computer on.....then silently satrt to dig....dig.... I fel like F#$%ing Burkes and Will!!....dig...dig....dig...dig..dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...dig...dig....dig...dig...shhhhh I hear something?.......
:: Peter . 3:48 PM [+] ::
So far so good....Matt has got me a digital shovel and I am to create a "tunnel" out of the "Org"....................I am to dig 200 metres to the West and then a sharp turn and dig 450 metres straight ahead.....when I hear voices I am to remain absolutely still....then wait and then dig straight up very quickly.......... I should then be clear of the wall and come up in a nearby yuppie cafe and after dusting the digital dust off ......look around......and give the secret password....." one latte please - I am with table 4....".......free - free at last....God almighty I am free at last!!...........................
:: Peter . 3:45 PM [+] ::
Yes I am F#$%ing angry!!!!!...........
:: Peter . 9:40 AM [+] ::
I need to get over the wall....or under the wall....I need a parrallel universe to bypass the "Org"............F#$%ing paper based idiots.....I think I am angry.........very angry.....
:: Peter . 9:39 AM [+] ::
It's not fair...............................................................................
:: Peter . 9:30 AM [+] ::
How can I connect?.....I can't sit here doing paper handling all day!!......I used to look forward to the flashing icon in the screen corner....meant somebody had awoke...and switched on...now I don't know who is up....who is down...now all i see is the icon with a red shield and a white cross.................................................I am behind the wall..
:: Peter . 9:29 AM [+] ::
My God!...it's the 12th of June already....what a lot has happened in 6 days....Ben B has landed!!!.....Matt has relaunched his site...I can't keep up with it all.....ute burst a radiator hose....nearly boiled the motor....and then I find f#$%ing Soy milk in the fridge....It seems to come in waves....car crashes...ben b's landings......the "Org" becomes a little bit stranger....and the govenment has cancelled all instant messenger systems across the state since thursday......now I must go around the gate again....why do they keep reducing the connections?......
:: Peter . 9:25 AM [+] ::

:: Friday, May 31, 2002 ::
Ben B is now in an altered state.............................................Me i must also be altered......
:: Peter . 2:06 PM [+] ::
Message from alien:..."Father's Day is Sunday, June 16th. Don't miss this golden opportunity to thrill Dad with the great taste of 100% guaranteed to impress Omaha Steaks. Simply shop this private sale and we'll surprise Dad with a FREE Picnic Assortment with your order! ....mmmm.......my Dad is dead......Aliens should know that?....He would be suprised!!..
:: Peter . 11:51 AM [+] ::
Spent day at Court..............they look so young....the police look so official.....Architecturally it's a disaster........
:: Peter . 11:47 AM [+] ::
Oh !!....the "Org" has sent Ben B a "Duh".....the worst offense you can commit.......the dreaded"Duh".......meaning the sender did'nt know what they were talking about.......
:: Peter . 11:46 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 30, 2002 ::
I need to organise "Wa$#@" Day.....where Ben defeats the enemy at the gate.......this will need carefull planning........but then what are supervisors for?......................food -fares- we all meet and take "the weeks" to work on.....then process them....hand them in....
:: Peter . 4:27 PM [+] ::
AHHH....some good news at last...Matt only backed in to somebody........nice meal with Noah..........I should believe in something!!!.........
:: Peter . 4:18 PM [+] ::
Beware making parent hammers!!!
:: Peter . 10:56 AM [+] ::
ShiT!...what is happening to youth!!...Matt just stacked a brand new car = instant debt both financial + parent hammer to use again and again.....and again...and then again......Ben B can hardly talk- throat gone!!....I am only 1/3rd through his blog posting!!.....and it's only 10.54am..........now if we run out of "Org" milk!!!....it will be a perfect trifecta of a day...I am glad .....I am old........aged....mature....fully grown......just got to get my brain up to speed!...No Ben B not the Versace!! approach...more a rigorous Art approach...
:: Peter . 10:55 AM [+] ::
Ben B has written pages and pages.....jesus... W@#% ..must be a depressing place....IHUG just rang and want $92.00 for an account I know nothing about???....MATT!!!....have they found the invoice....nice bloke on phone a collection agency of some sort...cheery voice...
:: Peter . 10:22 AM [+] ::
Well, it looks like I am out in the cold,.....................Matt has gone Linux......Ben B has a "glitch" in his operating system and is off to Doc's........I am in the embrace of the "Org"........still not shaking any hands after the great cubicle disaster....am off to meet Noah at a Lentil restaurant....I am trying to remember my youth?.....was it as traumatic as today's....hard to concentrate as Bazz is not well....looks like he will not last week...cancers/tumours/vomitting all day sleeping = not a good way to fade away from it all.....nice bloke.....sad days....
:: Peter . 10:17 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 ::
Ben B has landed
:: Peter . 12:38 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 27, 2002 ::
Quote:....There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist, except an old optimist...................Twain........Twang........
:: Peter . 3:14 PM [+] ::
The "F" people are marvellous.....FBV20....I feel so sorry for the "A"s
:: Peter . 1:27 PM [+] ::
He wrote some marvelous illustrated strips.....Quote: A number of protagonist appeared in the strip, but among the best known are Bernard Mergendeiler, a victim-hero and psychological wreck devoured by tics and complexes, whom Feiffer depicted with the undertones of self-hatred and self-pity. Other characters are also more or less portrayed with black humour - the spineless men and neurotic and poisonous women. In 1958 several of the strips were published in book form under the title SICK, SICK, SICK. Since then the strips have been reprinted in both hardbound and paperback forms. .
:: Peter . 1:26 PM [+] ::
I have rediscovered Jules feiffer at a 50cent book sale.....Quote: "The whole point to drawing was to make it up out of your own imagination. Even Father and Indiana Jones was made up. Father didn't say: "Draw me" to Jimmy. He would never have said it. And Jimmy would never have done it, because why be an artist if you are going to waste your talent drawing what was there in front of your nose? It didn't make sense." (from The Man in the Ceiling, 1993)
:: Peter . 1:24 PM [+] ::
When you get to a certain age you fear trainee's....just as you fear Industrial Chemist's...they know a little about everything they are walking FBV20's......beware
:: Peter . 1:22 PM [+] ::
I have found a book!.....50cents at local library sale .....of those books no longer regarded as books ..or....necessary?.....It's the Fontana Biograhical Volume of 20th century thought....A to Z.................full of people I know nothing about.....reduced to 1/2 page...with biography and precis of what they thought!!!........I will become a widely read person gradually....anybody who says .." you know what's his name..."....I will say YES ! ...confidently.....and state their essence and then walk and run.....clutching my FBV20....I feel so many gaps filling as I read on....so many important thinkers in the A section already....I peeked in the F's ..I know I should'nt.......but..they are an amazing group!!!!..
:: Peter . 1:05 PM [+] ::
Middle day.........worst time of day....clubland....and trainee land...what a choice!!!
:: Peter . 12:58 PM [+] ::
Well, my friend Matt wants to sack front- office workers, Ben has dissappeared into Clubland!!............................what has happened to this younger generation...............will I be replaced by a trainee???.....Will I ever enter clubland...?....alas I think it too late...this weekend I installed a slow combustion stove..( lovely paced words)...in the studio fired it up...and....fell asleep in my art cocoon......
:: Peter . 9:54 AM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 ::
I have found a new word (borrowed from Kurt Vonnegut)
.......SNERT... = "Snot-Nosed Eros-Ridden Teenager.".......but of course not you.........Oh No not you...........
:: Peter . 11:39 AM [+] ::
Well have returned from Wallan
I hate to see signs which say 'New land release"
I always see chicken farms as a sign I am "outa" Melbourne
Still burning CD's Ben B?
:: Peter . 12:15 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 17, 2002 ::
Off to Wallan Wallan.....bring foood - Cd Roms and the trusty burner,
book out of "Org"
I hope it
all works out
gateways and barcodes
and motivation
to finish just
finish that's all
and to then
and learn
to ytpe again
across a full line
- Ben B has made me nervous, very nervous
:: Peter . 2:22 PM [+] ::
Bendigo was a buzz....the "Org" is a dull droning sound in my right ear
:: Peter . 10:11 AM [+] ::
Well it's always a good start to the week to miss a meeting...
..then you know nothing ....
about what they are discussing for the rest of the week....
it's all so new then......
and...hold to Rule No.1
"I will never attend a meeting to discuss another meeting...."
especiallly when it contains the two most dreaded
words in a "Org"....
:: Peter . 10:10 AM [+] ::
Thanks Matt and Robbo........and the amazing 12 arms and 6 feet of Amy!!!.......Now she would
survive on Planet Neboo............but would they???.
:: Peter . 10:01 AM [+] ::
WEll....survived my first BLAN - in a hall with amazing group of
120+ gamers - whizz kids - etc...and me....
.. I gotta learn a game - tried Unreal Tournament and got slaughtered...
.again and again and gain.....rockets wee useless...kept firing at the ceiling -
I don't know what's up or down at Planet Neboo...
friendly carefull Robbo helped me....my other cohorts suffering hangovers...
set up me laptop....not many lappies there....but I did have the best copy of
"....." and I thnk most of Bendigo has it now........really enjoyed the buzz...
a social event of the year....12 weeks till next one..........reality bites tommorrow with
a day at Ben B at Wallan Wallan.......come to think of it -
I don't know what is up and down there either!!!.......
Will need all my powers...and perhaps a rocket launcher and 12 phials of hero's
blood at least.......
:: Peter . 10:00 AM [+] ::

:: Friday, June 28, 2002 ::
At the break it is always interesting watching who will be
the first to pack up and shoot through.....who has the balls to start
packing up at 1.30 for a 2.30 finish
mmm...carrel 3 is looking good...carrel 5 is on phone losing valuable time....
carrel 7 is stapling - must be behind.....carrel 9 is sobbing...bad call again....
carrel 10 has earphones on could be a dark horse.....me...hehehe...I am packed...stacked..
phone off hook....email off....and adding the last words to a blogg.....yes....
you is reading about a winner...I'm off.........................................
:: Peter . 1:23 PM [+] ::
No animals were harmed in the making of this sausage I am eating....some
could have been wounded in the bread roll.............the tomato sauce...who knows!!
:: Peter . 1:18 PM [+] ::
I have a carrel nearby and its playing the "eagles".....the horror
the horror....but more .....a hand knitted cardigan and the eagles.
..double whammy...where's the keys
to the
:: Peter . 1:17 PM [+] ::
Day is drawing to a close....I hope to leave the "Org" with my hands in my
pocket.......Mr Cool....No work left over........
hit the road in the ute in 25 mins
say goodbyzes ....wishy wells...missy youu....stake Caar....etc etc...sorts of
comments you make while having a sausage sizzle
and some dude approaches
who you don't know
don't want to
fly captain...goddam it...fly.....
:: Peter . 1:14 PM [+] ::
I am off on holidays.......there will be a break in transmission...sometimes..
.it's good to have break from a 72 dots per inch view of the world..........
fly captain fly..........drive matty drive............
:: Peter . 9:34 AM [+] ::
Good luck Captain, the V Line spins you from the shadows of Mt Ridley
to dreary Melbourne in one of its darkest days.......fly straight Captain
goddam it...fly straight......
:: Peter . 9:18 AM [+] ::
It's raining and the "Org" is preparing for its 2 week shut down....such excitement....
.a very bleak day indeed.... I hope Captain has a good day and
yes I have looked at a Liteon48/40/12 + Nero at $149.00...
..relax Matt...It will happen...it will happen
:: Peter . 9:14 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 27, 2002 ::
Now there back....I de-existed for a minute...spooky!!.....
:: Peter . 3:18 PM [+] ::
I have lost me archives!!!....a click away from oblivion!!
:: Peter . 3:17 PM [+] ::
I have lost me blog!
:: Peter . 3:15 PM [+] ::
shit......The world needs captain Indicative, he such great powers
directed towards helping the little people.....the oppressed.....
the illerate...them that spell baddly, all ready to
take his view of the world and soar off on V Line into
the distance.........soar captain...to mighty heights
from the loins of Mt Ridley.....from the Hidden Valley...
soar goddam soar...
:: Peter . 3:07 PM [+] ::
No......its Captain Indicative......super hero in PVC studs ....long leather coat...
:: Peter . 2:49 PM [+] ::
What sort of "super hero" uniform can I design for Mr Indicative,
....a spider?....wombat?....Cat- pussy?.......rural land release?..
what are his secret powers?...
...how can Mr Indictative...use his nine inch nail for goodness?
help the little people of the world?.....methinks!....it's a problem...
it would have lots of PVC.....studs.......nurses uniform?....Nurse indicative?...
not really....gothic....mmmmm...right track...to the drawing board...
:: Peter . 2:34 PM [+] ::
Good luck Mr Indicative,.......with sickness comes responsibility..........
:: Peter . 2:30 PM [+] ::
I did Wallan Wallan, Woodstock, Wollert, Whittlesea, Wandong,.....and reached the "edge" of Melbourne
and nearly fell off!!..................saw man with a dog.....saw a man with a tractor...saw a empty paddock
I sawed.......and so many "land release" signs.....if I was land and was released I would run far away....
to a small corner somewhere.....
:: Peter . 9:58 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 ::
I did wallan....crept up on it....back road
past the Mac Mansions, past the chicken farms, past the "Lake"...what fucking lake!
:: Peter . 5:27 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 ::
I may redesign the side panels of the PC...cheer it up a bit
blan it
blam it
:: Peter . 3:13 PM [+] ::
14 days and my MSN Messenger will return....the 'Org" has relented...
messaging I had not realised how much I missed it...
and with my bruised and violated PC..
it is a sad corner indeed
no past
no present
14 day future
and then the drive to Wallan Wallan
I will take the old road
W's everywhere...woodstock...whittlesea.....wallan..etc etc...witless
pastries must rember pastries...
Don't forget pastries...my credibility is at stake..
pastries, croissants
:: Peter . 3:12 PM [+] ::
I tried a new site!!...and what do I get?...."Submit a site review request to your network administrator.
Your administrator can then determine whether this site should be added to
a list of allowed sites for your organization........".....Oh Yeah of course!!!
......has my computer gone to the dark side!...is it angry at me for
letting the techo suit rip its contents out?....and ......first they block me
then this outrage on my PC......
:: Peter . 11:04 AM [+] ::
I don't know what to say to a bruised PC
:: Peter . 10:57 AM [+] ::
Read Ben B's live journal...............mmmmmmm.................mmmm
I need an ice cream, probably a magnum, vanilla
the world is real again
sitting in front of somebodies else computer
they are so personal a PC
I can't face my '"violated" machine, my poor PC empty
i can see the fingerprints on it
I can feel its bruises
I can sense its outrage
I am so sorry PC
I will look after you better
I blame the "Org"...my programs would not harm it
I am lost
:: Peter . 10:56 AM [+] ::
Can't think.......I feel the computer is not mine!!.....I don't recognise it!!!
:: Peter . 10:48 AM [+] ::
What do I put on first?
I am getting stressed!!
Nothing but the "Office Suite"........................I am not a typist!!
:: Peter . 10:46 AM [+] ::
Well where have I been?...................welll bloggers my computer fell over and died....it is F@#$ed....
and the big dude said I had to reimage it or something....
..so here I stand before you without a past....little future...
....and 5 gig of nothing on my computer apart from bill's full "Suite" of Office stuff
- to turn me into a office worker typer of vowells....no thanks
I must sart to rebuild the F#@#er....they wanted to remove the three CD Rom's but I said NO WAY!!
I hate blank drive spaces....it looks like the y have masking tape across their mouths...like
in cheap movie
I need another BLAM or BLAN.....Matty is wanting a CD writer
Ben B and I will be filming on Wednesday at Wallan Wallan
My drive is blank
My drive is blank
Where to start?
:: Peter . 9:57 AM [+] ::

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