Wednesday, July 28, 2010
CJSOTF reports downed aircraft 16K W of Abad (42S XD 79080 59690).
CJSOTF reports Turbine 33 (1X MH-47) received ground fire and was shot down.
16X PAX are reported to have been on board of aircraft.
Grip 21 (2x A-10s) flying with Turbine 33 are on-station.
At 1158Z an NFA was established around the aircraft (500 meters radius).
At 1215Z 1X AH-64 on station observes 1X survivor at crash site.
CJSOTF request airlift for 20 PAX to JBAD and CJTF76 approves the use of 4X UH-60s (from JBAD).
At 1233Z Intel is reporting ACM elements near downed aircraft.
At 1623Z: AC-130 reports 1X PAX with strobe IVO of crash site. 292316ZJUN05:
Friendly forces arrive at crash site and begin recovery operations.
30 June05:
Remains for all 16 personnel on board have been recovered.