
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Still working................

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

....in passing on the web.....a quote....Bernhard said that his prose rhythm owed a lot to music. Indeed, he uses the life of a musician for the overall theme of one of his best novels Der Untergeher. (Literally this translates as ‘The Undergoer’, but this is ridiculous and has been translated as The Loser. Unfortunately this loses the allusion to Nietzsche - “Have you suffered for knowledge’s sake?” - that is, gone under)......Stephen Mitchelmore

Monday, August 20, 2007

This is not a translation as such!

A simple translation

Many have asked when I will provide a translation of these "jottings"...........

Many have asked what language I will use...............

Quote 5:

"Q....You sometimes give the impression of biting the hand that feeds, for example when you describe Heidegger as a "weak-minded pre-Alpine thinker" and...

A...He didn't feed me. Why should he have fed me? But he's an impossible character, he has neither rhythm nor anything else. He lived off a few writers, he cannibalised them, to the last, what would he have been without them?........TB

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