
Thursday, August 21, 2003

Perhaps level 3 of my web page is like the Kafka story of the gatekeeper, who when a stranger approaches says 'yes, I can open the gate for you"............But there is another gate further on you maust pass through and I don't know if you will be able to pass through the gate there.....................so the stranger sits down and waits and waits. After many years he asks the gate keeper about the gate, and he replies ..." You were always meant to pass through my gate, it was written................................."

Level 3

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I have been to the edge of civilisation..........I drove to a house in new suburb not even on a melways............estate no 15b, one more step and I am talking to a bemused cow!!................nothing for miles!!

Dealing with "officials'
Dealing with IT "savvy" people
Awaiting the "forms" they said are "on the way"!
Awaiting updates on webpage development!

Monday, August 18, 2003

Monday is not a good day, it has too many distractions.
Planning permit
Building permit
Council permit to occupy 3cms of a footpath
= net time of 2 weeks

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Do you realise how many permits you need to put a sculpture up on a wall in a "Low heritage" area!!

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