Friday, August 08, 2003
North Melbourne commission started - have to contact Chris re welding up some "post Modern" gates in steel
Erwins studio OK - stupid car has been removed from laneway
Erwins studio OK - stupid car has been removed from laneway
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Still working on webpage, have scanned images need to put up pages and store, allow viewer to "click on" to expand.
Terrace drawings completed will post shortly.
Terrace drawings completed will post shortly.
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
6 drawings and finally have the .dwg files from Andre
Working on 4 projects - John's terraces in North Melbourne, the Werribee and Berlin proposals.
I only get wax in my right that the canal to the right side of my brain?...........perhaps that's why Art is not reaching me?.....trapped in wax?
:: Peter . 12:55 PM [+] ::
There is somthing really stupid about driving down a freeway tunnel holding a borrowed e-tag up to a piece of concrete.....It worked...I think?
:: Peter . 11:43 AM [+] ::
Out on the's good....not quite a "Hero run"....have to find a "Org" equivalent........around the block with MP3"s blaring?.........."Hey want a lift or waiting for your mum"....thanks Matt for summing up the joys of youth motoring
:: Peter . 11:41 AM [+] ::
I lost a blog
:: Peter . 11:39 AM [+] ::
My God!!............I have found I have 477mb of email.......................should I delete them...keep them....they date back to long do you keep email........................I am swamped...
:: Peter . 2:02 PM [+] ::
I should go and lie down in the ozone room............................what is it about paper that I find reassuring....and that moving geen light....
:: Peter . 10:01 AM [+] ::
I used up all the milk..............left em that I I taking the "Org" too seriously........
:: Peter . 9:48 AM [+] ::
Trapped behind some stupid "Org" firewall.....hunted by Google with every word I key in....what am I to do?
:: Peter . 9:46 AM [+] ::
How can I ....born with the sounds of a typewriter catch these students with IT/CT skills.........I have recieved a email from a alien...."You can get all these services handled by some of the best attorneys in the country for only pennies a day. Why wait until you have a catastrophe and have to pay up the nose at the rate of $200 per hour? Get the same first-rate service from the same top-notched attorneys".............should I reply?......meanwhile Matt is web camming his way around the world.....
:: Peter . 9:45 AM [+] ::
Colliding timetables - wrestling with elephants.....
:: Peter . 3:10 PM [+] ::
Strange....I went to a friends blog site.......Ben's and he was prosing on about his weekend - clubbing- dancing-clubbing- etc and the drop down advertisement at the site was for "Save a life" give blood....Do they realise if you got Ben's blood this weekend you would need a week to come's most expensive snot.......
:: Peter . 3:09 PM [+] ::
The ozone room has done wonders...the photocopier is really the "Life Support System" of the "Org"...........the air....the constant copying...the magic green by one of Ben's green fairies.....
:: Peter . 12:39 PM [+] ::
I am being chased by checked........check.......check...I am being trawled by a meta trawler.......called...Frank...........
:: Peter . 12:32 PM [+] ::
Will i ever be a supervisor again......
:: Peter . 10:25 AM [+] ::
Ben has posted....I am off to a lie down in darkened ozone rich photocopier room.......behind the reams of fallen trees.....will I develop a hole in my head?.
:: Peter . 10:24 AM [+] ::
I am worried........strange message from Blogger......
:: Peter . 10:23 AM [+] ::
Same as it ever was........back at work, phones, paper moving across the chipboard....have not been for Coffee, everything seems slightly new after 3 days away.....Sa Go is working with me, and misses the mountains, has about 3/4's of ink left.....I am collecting all my old pens as they expire and burying them in "Org" paper with the last word they ever looks very formal and official being buried in official letterhead paper..............write on Sa Go.
:: Peter . 10:20 AM [+] ::
Same as it ever was
:: Peter . 10:45 PM [+] ::
Thank you Jenn for the insight into milk.......and it's speed......such little legs....
:: Peter . 9:34 PM [+] ::
Bunnings to Wa Chu was the new cathederals of waste, so many of his chinese comrades lie on shelf after shelf,....row after row...aisle after aisle......soaring ceilings of thing,........ bright banners,........ brightly dressed assistant clergy........., smells of incense, and most of all...........the intensity of the worshippers...worshoppers....they know what they want in life so clearly...they have selected their worshopping partners and now want more......and it is plastic.............
:: Peter . 9:30 PM [+] ::
Why Bunnings?
:: Peter . 9:26 PM [+] ::
Monday approaches...the doors of the Org ........three days away seems a lifetime.................................was I missed?....was it noticed?......calls not returned?.....
:: Peter . 9:25 PM [+] ::
Wa Chu wanted a simple is tragic seeing the ink go lighter-fainter...small strips.dots..then nothing....Sa Go knows it is her future as well but is a resigned gushing....steady prose....her stories of High School in Tokyo were horrific.....just as Wa Ch'u's heroic struggles against the infamy of Chiang Kai much colour.....
:: Peter . 9:22 PM [+] ::
well what a weekend.....high in the mountains...Wa Chu passed away writing a lovely long word....I tried writing short modern passages too prolong his tragic life...but alas.....but he did see eagles soaring...huge clouds...and was finally laid to rest in Bunnings Croydon, row 12 -aisle B,....what he wanted....Sa Go has been a tower of strength....despite her past experiences......I wonder why there lives are so richer than the turdic roles of a Lucasism celluloid feature...plastic and ink is winning the reality wars..
:: Peter . 9:18 PM [+] ::
:: Peter . 12:55 PM [+] ::
There is somthing really stupid about driving down a freeway tunnel holding a borrowed e-tag up to a piece of concrete.....It worked...I think?
:: Peter . 11:43 AM [+] ::
Out on the's good....not quite a "Hero run"....have to find a "Org" equivalent........around the block with MP3"s blaring?.........."Hey want a lift or waiting for your mum"....thanks Matt for summing up the joys of youth motoring
:: Peter . 11:41 AM [+] ::
I lost a blog
:: Peter . 11:39 AM [+] ::
My God!!............I have found I have 477mb of email.......................should I delete them...keep them....they date back to long do you keep email........................I am swamped...
:: Peter . 2:02 PM [+] ::
I should go and lie down in the ozone room............................what is it about paper that I find reassuring....and that moving geen light....
:: Peter . 10:01 AM [+] ::
I used up all the milk..............left em that I I taking the "Org" too seriously........
:: Peter . 9:48 AM [+] ::
Trapped behind some stupid "Org" firewall.....hunted by Google with every word I key in....what am I to do?
:: Peter . 9:46 AM [+] ::
How can I ....born with the sounds of a typewriter catch these students with IT/CT skills.........I have recieved a email from a alien...."You can get all these services handled by some of the best attorneys in the country for only pennies a day. Why wait until you have a catastrophe and have to pay up the nose at the rate of $200 per hour? Get the same first-rate service from the same top-notched attorneys".............should I reply?......meanwhile Matt is web camming his way around the world.....
:: Peter . 9:45 AM [+] ::
Colliding timetables - wrestling with elephants.....
:: Peter . 3:10 PM [+] ::
Strange....I went to a friends blog site.......Ben's and he was prosing on about his weekend - clubbing- dancing-clubbing- etc and the drop down advertisement at the site was for "Save a life" give blood....Do they realise if you got Ben's blood this weekend you would need a week to come's most expensive snot.......
:: Peter . 3:09 PM [+] ::
The ozone room has done wonders...the photocopier is really the "Life Support System" of the "Org"...........the air....the constant copying...the magic green by one of Ben's green fairies.....
:: Peter . 12:39 PM [+] ::
I am being chased by checked........check.......check...I am being trawled by a meta trawler.......called...Frank...........
:: Peter . 12:32 PM [+] ::
Will i ever be a supervisor again......
:: Peter . 10:25 AM [+] ::
Ben has posted....I am off to a lie down in darkened ozone rich photocopier room.......behind the reams of fallen trees.....will I develop a hole in my head?.
:: Peter . 10:24 AM [+] ::
I am worried........strange message from Blogger......
:: Peter . 10:23 AM [+] ::
Same as it ever was........back at work, phones, paper moving across the chipboard....have not been for Coffee, everything seems slightly new after 3 days away.....Sa Go is working with me, and misses the mountains, has about 3/4's of ink left.....I am collecting all my old pens as they expire and burying them in "Org" paper with the last word they ever looks very formal and official being buried in official letterhead paper..............write on Sa Go.
:: Peter . 10:20 AM [+] ::
Same as it ever was
:: Peter . 10:45 PM [+] ::
Thank you Jenn for the insight into milk.......and it's speed......such little legs....
:: Peter . 9:34 PM [+] ::
Bunnings to Wa Chu was the new cathederals of waste, so many of his chinese comrades lie on shelf after shelf,....row after row...aisle after aisle......soaring ceilings of thing,........ bright banners,........ brightly dressed assistant clergy........., smells of incense, and most of all...........the intensity of the worshippers...worshoppers....they know what they want in life so clearly...they have selected their worshopping partners and now want more......and it is plastic.............
:: Peter . 9:30 PM [+] ::
Why Bunnings?
:: Peter . 9:26 PM [+] ::
Monday approaches...the doors of the Org ........three days away seems a lifetime.................................was I missed?....was it noticed?......calls not returned?.....
:: Peter . 9:25 PM [+] ::
Wa Chu wanted a simple is tragic seeing the ink go lighter-fainter...small strips.dots..then nothing....Sa Go knows it is her future as well but is a resigned gushing....steady prose....her stories of High School in Tokyo were horrific.....just as Wa Ch'u's heroic struggles against the infamy of Chiang Kai much colour.....
:: Peter . 9:22 PM [+] ::
well what a weekend.....high in the mountains...Wa Chu passed away writing a lovely long word....I tried writing short modern passages too prolong his tragic life...but alas.....but he did see eagles soaring...huge clouds...and was finally laid to rest in Bunnings Croydon, row 12 -aisle B,....what he wanted....Sa Go has been a tower of strength....despite her past experiences......I wonder why there lives are so richer than the turdic roles of a Lucasism celluloid feature...plastic and ink is winning the reality wars..
:: Peter . 9:18 PM [+] ::
Below are the tables and desks used by Kafka in all his job interviews in Amerika
A chilling image of the "Org"
I should use the neo Metro to flee immediately prior to the stampede
:: Peter . 3:41 PM [+] ::
I am not alone
:: Peter . 3:40 PM [+] ::
A great mind - "Neo Metro"
:: Peter . 3:39 PM [+] ::
Martins entrance to the 'Neo-Metro" linking sites across the world
:: Peter . 3:12 PM [+] ::
A pure Fluxus translation ...become another "thing:"again......
Martin grins......and rolls over.....
:: Peter . 12:29 PM [+] ::
I love translations on the Net....they follow carefully the rules of
Prince Fredreich...of so long ago.....
The German artist Martin Kippenberger (1953-1997) takes certainly within the art happening of the last years a singular, unmistakable position. With its early death an almost endless production of pictures, sculptures, installations, designs, publications and other artifacts locked itself, over whose sense and meaning the opinions apart-go still far. The life of an active and extremely professional personality went in addition, at the same time to end, that submitted the role of the artist of an inexorable criticism as it were on different levels. As Kippenberger between illusion and convention of the artistic occupation knew to untescheiden and as counterpart in addition a network of Metaebenen in its work to produce understood, it succeeded to him to question the conceptions of high Weihen of the art in principle.
:: Peter . 12:28 PM [+] ::
No!...I did'nt write that....Why should I?
I "selected' it ------carefully---- as Martin would have.......
:: Peter . 12:10 PM [+] ::
It's exactly like the "Org"
Martin Kippenberger’s The Happy Ending of Franz Kafka’s "Amerika," takes its inspiration from the 1927 novel, Amerika, by Czech author Franz Kafka. In the concluding chapter of Kafka’s novel, the protagonist attends an employment -recruiting center of gargantuan proportions and, after a long struggle with absurd bureaucratic structures, finally lands a job. The real and surreal are closely related in the world described in Kafka’s novel as they are in Kippenberger’s huge installation. The sheer volume of tables and chairs set up on a "playing field" ready for the "game" of the interview process overwhelms with the vastness and absurdity of its physical presence. Kafka’s bureaucratic machine takes on a humor and pathos in Kippenberger’s hands in his selection of worn-out, cast-off furniture. Like Kafka before him, Kippenberger was both satirist and allegorist of an intolerable human truth: the power of the social order to negate human will.
:: Peter . 12:08 PM [+] ::
His work on Kafka's Amerika...I saw in Prague...fantastic...
a pioneer.....
:: Peter . 12:03 PM [+] ::
I have hero!! last.....
Martin Kippenberger
geb. to 25.2.1953 in Dortmund
1972 study to the HfBK Hamburg
1976 stay in Florenz, picture series: "UN di voi, un tedesco in Firenze"
1977 acquaintance with Werner Buettner and Albert Oehlen
1978 Berlin: Establishment of "Kippenbergers office" with Gisela Capitain. The S.O.36, concerts, exhibitions, records, establishment of the Punkband operates "the Grugas"
1981 "a success secret of the Mr. A. Onassis", exhibition with max of Hetzler in Stuttgart
1982 joint venture works with Albert Oehlen "Capri at night", "Orgonkiste at night" "Fiffen, Faufen and Verfaufen", studio F, Ulm
1983 studio in Cologne. Exhibition in the gallery Rudolf Zwirner. "Gibt's me really?" Gallery max of Hetzler, Cologne. Occasionally Franz west and Peter Pakesch lives in Vienna, becomes acquainted with
1984 exhibition in the museum Folkwang, meal. Catalog "truth is work" from Werner Buettner, Albert Oehlen, Martin Kippenberger. Entry into the "lord Jim loge" - "none does not help". "parting from the youth bonus", gallery Thomas borrowing man, Cologne
1985 book "like it were real, by the example Knokke", Reclam publishing house. CCD gallery Duesseldorf "Helmut Newton for arms" 1985 "Selling America & Byuing El Salvador", metro Pictures, New York
1986 journey to Brazil "The Magical Misery route" . "rent river gas" in the hessian federal state museum Darmstadt. Transformation hotel of the Chelsea in Cologne to an artist hotel. "give me the summer hole" , gallery small, Bonn. "sand in the vaseline", CCD gallery Duesseldorf.
1987 "Peter". The Russian position. Gallery max of Hetzler, Cologne, "Broken neon", forum city park Graz. "Petra", gallery Gisela Capitain, Cologne, "simple goes the applause to reason", of gallery Graesslin Erhardt, Frankfurt, "journey to Jerusalem", gallery bleach Rossi, Graz "Sorry III", metro Pictures, New York
1988 pull to Spain (Madrid, Sevilla). "lantern to drunk ones" and "Huehnerdisco" are shown in the Aperto of the Biennale in Venice. "Dibujos", with Albert Oehlen, Galerie Juana di Aizpuru, Sevilla. "again Petra", arts center Winterthur
1989 birth of the daughter Helena Augusta Eleonore. "with Nichtgefallen of feelings back", Sud, Geneva resounds. "those Hamburg hanging, removals 1957 - 1988, falling flights", gallery Gisela Capitain, Cologne. "Que calor II", Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla. "Disco Bombs", Julie Sylvester, New York. Pulls to Los Angeles.
1990 "Martin Kippenberger", mansion Arson, Nice, Luhring Augustine Hetzler, Santa Monica, gallery Peter Pakesch, Vienna. "American Dreamer in Italy", studio Marconi, Milan. "a handful of forgotten pigeons", gallery Graesslin Erhardt, Frankfurt. "now go I into the Birkenwald, because my pills work soon", gallery differently Tornber, Lund.
1991 "Heavy Burschi", Koelni art association "deep Kehlchen", Vienna. "I had A vision", San Francisco museum OF decaying kind
1992 metro Pictures, New York, gallery max of Hetzler, Cologne. Informed in Kassel at the comprehensive university. Georgen in the Black Forest works in pc..
1993 "art association Kippenberger" in the Fridericianum, Kassel. "candidacy for a retrospective", Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Establishment of the "MOMAS" (museum OF decaying kind Syros), Greece. Building of the first underground station Syros.
1994 "The Happy end to OF Franz Kafka's > America< - attitude discussions" in the museum Beumans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
1995 cycle "Erotik behind architecture in Tokyo", "Spiderman" for Matisse Ateliler in Nice.
1996 marriage with Elfie Semotan. Cycle "J. Picasso" and "the raft of the Medusa" . Mansion Merkel, Esslingen award of the Kaethe Kollwitz price.
1997 "respectively 1997 - 1976" , MAMCO, Musée d'art modern et contemporain) in Geneva. "the egg man and its arms" , museum abbey mountain, Moenchengladbach. documenta X, Kassel, sculpture project cathedral.
Martin Kippenberger died on 7 March 1997 in Vienna
:: Peter . 12:02 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 ::
Ben B is almost reaching the "moving line" of being up-to-date...amazing recovery...
'schmuckfliese" must have something to do with it!!....If only he had
hung it on his wall.....he could be a member of the "org" by now!!....but is that
what he wants??......The support team is massing for the final assault on the last gate between BenB-
VTAC- and whatever..............the................future..........holds!........
:: Peter . 9:50 AM [+] ::
The Cafe anxiety was very good - meeting with Noah on his "bike" = cost more than my first 5 cars
...good food...discussing past - future thingies....niice afternoon
I must return to the "Org"....payday today....not enough!!
:: Peter . 9:47 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::
Ben has not hung his "Schmuckfliese" ....the power is fading....germs are winning - vodka is
not the answer......It was seen lying on a shelf.......Mitt Gott!!
:: Peter . 3:51 PM [+] ::
I need to think - I need to think - I need to think.....I have only a small percentage of time left of
the overall time available.
:: Peter . 3:49 PM [+] ::
I came to the "Org" late and left the "Org" early
:: Peter . 3:46 PM [+] ::
Noah and meeeting at "Anxiety" Cafe - st kilda this week should prove to be highlight,
Ben B made the Sunday Sun - 2 page spread - so much glare and publicity.......still it's only
"Bells and Whistles " combined with "Smoke and Mirrors" = state of the art........
:: Peter . 3:38 PM [+] ::
The trip to Walan left me with a cold, to drive the backwoods and then to be struck
down by a virus - sneezing - coughing - germ.....all to much for my fragile mind.
IHUG finally caught me at Fluxus HQ - still it took them 2 years. I must be more
secretive.....looking at a 5 year discovery rate as optimum.
:: Peter . 3:36 PM [+] ::
It was during the time of Prince Fredriech that the Fluxus custom of "Schmuckfliese" became popular.
The simple art of giving - and of course the act of applying the Fluxus rules to the gift - meant that a
"Schmuckfliese" had to met all the criteria set by the Prince. These standards have been kept to this day,
always given in sets of 3 to create a powerfull link.
each "Schmuckfliese" celebrates the hard work done by Freidrich in maintaining the movements inertia.
:: Peter . 3:32 PM [+] ::
Luckily, Prince Fredriech, the bastard son of the Baron and Madame Rattshaft was able to
assume leadership of the movement during his mothers grief and fits of laughter.
The lad, who had shown some artistic merit in kindergarten soon saw that Fluxus had an important role
in the visual world of objects and performances. He himself stopped making formal art at the age of 6 years
and devoted himself to developing the movement as an attitude rather than dogma driven.
Word soon spread of the movement as viewers were perplexed by the total
lack of skill,ideas and purpose in the exhibited work around the village
and in surrounding fields.
Of course the authorities becam alarmed at the thought of "inactivity" and "boredom"
as pursuits to applauded.....sure enough the evil hand of censorship was to drive Fluxus underground
where it has remained to this very day. Better to have framed Crap than a casul hint, or side glance.
The movement was to remain secretive and "beneath the radar" until late in the 20th Century.
We owe much to the work ethic of Prince Fredreich -
and his edict that if you make a mistake in typing - leave it - and enjoy the
difference and "freshness" of the letters reborn on a random line of text. .
:: Peter . 9:15 AM [+] ::
Then after a brief cold the Baron passed away.........with him the drive and vision so necessary in
creating a "movement"........but sure enough.....Madame Rattshaft free of the nunnery took on the task
of holding the next meeting and publicity as well.......small pieces of parchement were soon posted on
village walls.....all with the same message.....
"....Fluxus will free you..."
Word spread......
:: Peter . 11:41 PM [+] ::
The story so far:
Baron Heidrich's Fluxus movement soon gained numbers amongst the bored middle class - most of the
workers were far to busy to be bored - or have time to muse about it.....thinkinging
of tenets of belief was even more difficult.....the thos huge illuminated manuscripts were so distracting
to write/draw/gild he tried scraps of parchements.....then a tailor sugeested writing everything in's there but fades quickly....can be accidently deleted with a wipe of a sleeve.....
perfect for perserving the minutes of the first Fluxus meeting............however sarting the meeting was very difficult
no one could be bothered at one wanted to record...just wanted the time to pass.....fair enough
said the Baron....the first meeting soon sank to a astounding success
:: Peter . 11:37 PM [+] ::
I have decided to write a history of Fluxus - from its early days in Lower Bohemai to its
amazing decline in the 1970's and rapid rise back in the 1980's to its cathartic state in
the beginning of the new Millenium.
It all began with Baron Heidrich of lower Saxony/Fluxhagen - rich nobleman - bright - personable - with a large estate
who woke up one morning and looking out the castle window said to his courtesan Madame Rattshaft,
'God i am bored!!'....she replied WTF....and was immediately dispatched to a nunnery.
Heidrich thought and thought....finally saying " I can't be the only bored thinking adult?".....nad decided to call a meeting
that very day....All who are bored to attend under pain of death and tortue.
Well, the first Fluxus meeting was an astounding success, tales of boredom bebounded off the castle walls.
Heidrichthought!.... I thinks I have a movement here!......but how to organise - be successfull....yet maintain the boredom
which inturn heightens the reality of the everyday??.......tricky
:: Peter . 10:30 AM [+] ::
Well just to be be certain now that - Matt is in the depths of BSSC, and Noah is waiting and Ben is in constant pain:
Fluxus Regional Council Memo 8754.
This blog is solely for the named addressee and may be confidential. You should only read, disclose, transmit, copy, laugh, snigger, throw up, fall asleep in boredom,distribute, act in reliance on or commercialise the contents if you are authorised to do so. If you are not the intended recipient of this blog, please notify Fluxus04 by e-mail immediately, or notify the sender and then destroy/mutilate/appropriate any copy of this days blog only. Views expressed in this blog are those of the individual blogee/blogger except where specifically stated to be those of an officer of Fluxus Regional Council. Fluxus does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the integrity of this communication or mailed Schmuckfliese has been maintained nor that they are free from errors, virus or interference, far from it is
the production of a fragile human mind on a monday morning at the "org'
:: Peter . 10:19 AM [+] ::
I am missing the "Schmuckfliese" already
Have a 2 day in front of monitor in-service learning ................why called in-service...
:: Peter . 9:05 AM [+] ::
A chilling image of the "Org"
I should use the neo Metro to flee immediately prior to the stampede
:: Peter . 3:41 PM [+] ::
I am not alone
:: Peter . 3:40 PM [+] ::
A great mind - "Neo Metro"
:: Peter . 3:39 PM [+] ::
Martins entrance to the 'Neo-Metro" linking sites across the world
:: Peter . 3:12 PM [+] ::
A pure Fluxus translation ...become another "thing:"again......
Martin grins......and rolls over.....
:: Peter . 12:29 PM [+] ::
I love translations on the Net....they follow carefully the rules of
Prince Fredreich...of so long ago.....
The German artist Martin Kippenberger (1953-1997) takes certainly within the art happening of the last years a singular, unmistakable position. With its early death an almost endless production of pictures, sculptures, installations, designs, publications and other artifacts locked itself, over whose sense and meaning the opinions apart-go still far. The life of an active and extremely professional personality went in addition, at the same time to end, that submitted the role of the artist of an inexorable criticism as it were on different levels. As Kippenberger between illusion and convention of the artistic occupation knew to untescheiden and as counterpart in addition a network of Metaebenen in its work to produce understood, it succeeded to him to question the conceptions of high Weihen of the art in principle.
:: Peter . 12:28 PM [+] ::
No!...I did'nt write that....Why should I?
I "selected' it ------carefully---- as Martin would have.......
:: Peter . 12:10 PM [+] ::
It's exactly like the "Org"
Martin Kippenberger’s The Happy Ending of Franz Kafka’s "Amerika," takes its inspiration from the 1927 novel, Amerika, by Czech author Franz Kafka. In the concluding chapter of Kafka’s novel, the protagonist attends an employment -recruiting center of gargantuan proportions and, after a long struggle with absurd bureaucratic structures, finally lands a job. The real and surreal are closely related in the world described in Kafka’s novel as they are in Kippenberger’s huge installation. The sheer volume of tables and chairs set up on a "playing field" ready for the "game" of the interview process overwhelms with the vastness and absurdity of its physical presence. Kafka’s bureaucratic machine takes on a humor and pathos in Kippenberger’s hands in his selection of worn-out, cast-off furniture. Like Kafka before him, Kippenberger was both satirist and allegorist of an intolerable human truth: the power of the social order to negate human will.
:: Peter . 12:08 PM [+] ::
His work on Kafka's Amerika...I saw in Prague...fantastic...
a pioneer.....
:: Peter . 12:03 PM [+] ::
I have hero!! last.....
Martin Kippenberger
geb. to 25.2.1953 in Dortmund
1972 study to the HfBK Hamburg
1976 stay in Florenz, picture series: "UN di voi, un tedesco in Firenze"
1977 acquaintance with Werner Buettner and Albert Oehlen
1978 Berlin: Establishment of "Kippenbergers office" with Gisela Capitain. The S.O.36, concerts, exhibitions, records, establishment of the Punkband operates "the Grugas"
1981 "a success secret of the Mr. A. Onassis", exhibition with max of Hetzler in Stuttgart
1982 joint venture works with Albert Oehlen "Capri at night", "Orgonkiste at night" "Fiffen, Faufen and Verfaufen", studio F, Ulm
1983 studio in Cologne. Exhibition in the gallery Rudolf Zwirner. "Gibt's me really?" Gallery max of Hetzler, Cologne. Occasionally Franz west and Peter Pakesch lives in Vienna, becomes acquainted with
1984 exhibition in the museum Folkwang, meal. Catalog "truth is work" from Werner Buettner, Albert Oehlen, Martin Kippenberger. Entry into the "lord Jim loge" - "none does not help". "parting from the youth bonus", gallery Thomas borrowing man, Cologne
1985 book "like it were real, by the example Knokke", Reclam publishing house. CCD gallery Duesseldorf "Helmut Newton for arms" 1985 "Selling America & Byuing El Salvador", metro Pictures, New York
1986 journey to Brazil "The Magical Misery route" . "rent river gas" in the hessian federal state museum Darmstadt. Transformation hotel of the Chelsea in Cologne to an artist hotel. "give me the summer hole" , gallery small, Bonn. "sand in the vaseline", CCD gallery Duesseldorf.
1987 "Peter". The Russian position. Gallery max of Hetzler, Cologne, "Broken neon", forum city park Graz. "Petra", gallery Gisela Capitain, Cologne, "simple goes the applause to reason", of gallery Graesslin Erhardt, Frankfurt, "journey to Jerusalem", gallery bleach Rossi, Graz "Sorry III", metro Pictures, New York
1988 pull to Spain (Madrid, Sevilla). "lantern to drunk ones" and "Huehnerdisco" are shown in the Aperto of the Biennale in Venice. "Dibujos", with Albert Oehlen, Galerie Juana di Aizpuru, Sevilla. "again Petra", arts center Winterthur
1989 birth of the daughter Helena Augusta Eleonore. "with Nichtgefallen of feelings back", Sud, Geneva resounds. "those Hamburg hanging, removals 1957 - 1988, falling flights", gallery Gisela Capitain, Cologne. "Que calor II", Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla. "Disco Bombs", Julie Sylvester, New York. Pulls to Los Angeles.
1990 "Martin Kippenberger", mansion Arson, Nice, Luhring Augustine Hetzler, Santa Monica, gallery Peter Pakesch, Vienna. "American Dreamer in Italy", studio Marconi, Milan. "a handful of forgotten pigeons", gallery Graesslin Erhardt, Frankfurt. "now go I into the Birkenwald, because my pills work soon", gallery differently Tornber, Lund.
1991 "Heavy Burschi", Koelni art association "deep Kehlchen", Vienna. "I had A vision", San Francisco museum OF decaying kind
1992 metro Pictures, New York, gallery max of Hetzler, Cologne. Informed in Kassel at the comprehensive university. Georgen in the Black Forest works in pc..
1993 "art association Kippenberger" in the Fridericianum, Kassel. "candidacy for a retrospective", Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Establishment of the "MOMAS" (museum OF decaying kind Syros), Greece. Building of the first underground station Syros.
1994 "The Happy end to OF Franz Kafka's > America< - attitude discussions" in the museum Beumans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
1995 cycle "Erotik behind architecture in Tokyo", "Spiderman" for Matisse Ateliler in Nice.
1996 marriage with Elfie Semotan. Cycle "J. Picasso" and "the raft of the Medusa" . Mansion Merkel, Esslingen award of the Kaethe Kollwitz price.
1997 "respectively 1997 - 1976" , MAMCO, Musée d'art modern et contemporain) in Geneva. "the egg man and its arms" , museum abbey mountain, Moenchengladbach. documenta X, Kassel, sculpture project cathedral.
Martin Kippenberger died on 7 March 1997 in Vienna
:: Peter . 12:02 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 ::
Ben B is almost reaching the "moving line" of being up-to-date...amazing recovery...
'schmuckfliese" must have something to do with it!!....If only he had
hung it on his wall.....he could be a member of the "org" by now!!....but is that
what he wants??......The support team is massing for the final assault on the last gate between BenB-
VTAC- and whatever..............the................future..........holds!........
:: Peter . 9:50 AM [+] ::
The Cafe anxiety was very good - meeting with Noah on his "bike" = cost more than my first 5 cars
...good food...discussing past - future thingies....niice afternoon
I must return to the "Org"....payday today....not enough!!
:: Peter . 9:47 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::
Ben has not hung his "Schmuckfliese" ....the power is fading....germs are winning - vodka is
not the answer......It was seen lying on a shelf.......Mitt Gott!!
:: Peter . 3:51 PM [+] ::
I need to think - I need to think - I need to think.....I have only a small percentage of time left of
the overall time available.
:: Peter . 3:49 PM [+] ::
I came to the "Org" late and left the "Org" early
:: Peter . 3:46 PM [+] ::
Noah and meeeting at "Anxiety" Cafe - st kilda this week should prove to be highlight,
Ben B made the Sunday Sun - 2 page spread - so much glare and publicity.......still it's only
"Bells and Whistles " combined with "Smoke and Mirrors" = state of the art........
:: Peter . 3:38 PM [+] ::
The trip to Walan left me with a cold, to drive the backwoods and then to be struck
down by a virus - sneezing - coughing - germ.....all to much for my fragile mind.
IHUG finally caught me at Fluxus HQ - still it took them 2 years. I must be more
secretive.....looking at a 5 year discovery rate as optimum.
:: Peter . 3:36 PM [+] ::
It was during the time of Prince Fredriech that the Fluxus custom of "Schmuckfliese" became popular.
The simple art of giving - and of course the act of applying the Fluxus rules to the gift - meant that a
"Schmuckfliese" had to met all the criteria set by the Prince. These standards have been kept to this day,
always given in sets of 3 to create a powerfull link.
each "Schmuckfliese" celebrates the hard work done by Freidrich in maintaining the movements inertia.
:: Peter . 3:32 PM [+] ::
Luckily, Prince Fredriech, the bastard son of the Baron and Madame Rattshaft was able to
assume leadership of the movement during his mothers grief and fits of laughter.
The lad, who had shown some artistic merit in kindergarten soon saw that Fluxus had an important role
in the visual world of objects and performances. He himself stopped making formal art at the age of 6 years
and devoted himself to developing the movement as an attitude rather than dogma driven.
Word soon spread of the movement as viewers were perplexed by the total
lack of skill,ideas and purpose in the exhibited work around the village
and in surrounding fields.
Of course the authorities becam alarmed at the thought of "inactivity" and "boredom"
as pursuits to applauded.....sure enough the evil hand of censorship was to drive Fluxus underground
where it has remained to this very day. Better to have framed Crap than a casul hint, or side glance.
The movement was to remain secretive and "beneath the radar" until late in the 20th Century.
We owe much to the work ethic of Prince Fredreich -
and his edict that if you make a mistake in typing - leave it - and enjoy the
difference and "freshness" of the letters reborn on a random line of text. .
:: Peter . 9:15 AM [+] ::
Then after a brief cold the Baron passed away.........with him the drive and vision so necessary in
creating a "movement"........but sure enough.....Madame Rattshaft free of the nunnery took on the task
of holding the next meeting and publicity as well.......small pieces of parchement were soon posted on
village walls.....all with the same message.....
"....Fluxus will free you..."
Word spread......
:: Peter . 11:41 PM [+] ::
The story so far:
Baron Heidrich's Fluxus movement soon gained numbers amongst the bored middle class - most of the
workers were far to busy to be bored - or have time to muse about it.....thinkinging
of tenets of belief was even more difficult.....the thos huge illuminated manuscripts were so distracting
to write/draw/gild he tried scraps of parchements.....then a tailor sugeested writing everything in's there but fades quickly....can be accidently deleted with a wipe of a sleeve.....
perfect for perserving the minutes of the first Fluxus meeting............however sarting the meeting was very difficult
no one could be bothered at one wanted to record...just wanted the time to pass.....fair enough
said the Baron....the first meeting soon sank to a astounding success
:: Peter . 11:37 PM [+] ::
I have decided to write a history of Fluxus - from its early days in Lower Bohemai to its
amazing decline in the 1970's and rapid rise back in the 1980's to its cathartic state in
the beginning of the new Millenium.
It all began with Baron Heidrich of lower Saxony/Fluxhagen - rich nobleman - bright - personable - with a large estate
who woke up one morning and looking out the castle window said to his courtesan Madame Rattshaft,
'God i am bored!!'....she replied WTF....and was immediately dispatched to a nunnery.
Heidrich thought and thought....finally saying " I can't be the only bored thinking adult?".....nad decided to call a meeting
that very day....All who are bored to attend under pain of death and tortue.
Well, the first Fluxus meeting was an astounding success, tales of boredom bebounded off the castle walls.
Heidrichthought!.... I thinks I have a movement here!......but how to organise - be successfull....yet maintain the boredom
which inturn heightens the reality of the everyday??.......tricky
:: Peter . 10:30 AM [+] ::
Well just to be be certain now that - Matt is in the depths of BSSC, and Noah is waiting and Ben is in constant pain:
Fluxus Regional Council Memo 8754.
This blog is solely for the named addressee and may be confidential. You should only read, disclose, transmit, copy, laugh, snigger, throw up, fall asleep in boredom,distribute, act in reliance on or commercialise the contents if you are authorised to do so. If you are not the intended recipient of this blog, please notify Fluxus04 by e-mail immediately, or notify the sender and then destroy/mutilate/appropriate any copy of this days blog only. Views expressed in this blog are those of the individual blogee/blogger except where specifically stated to be those of an officer of Fluxus Regional Council. Fluxus does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the integrity of this communication or mailed Schmuckfliese has been maintained nor that they are free from errors, virus or interference, far from it is
the production of a fragile human mind on a monday morning at the "org'
:: Peter . 10:19 AM [+] ::
I am missing the "Schmuckfliese" already
Have a 2 day in front of monitor in-service learning ................why called in-service...
:: Peter . 9:05 AM [+] ::
Happy Birthday Terminal Art works